I am a proud member of The FrontLine Choir. We will be starring in Let Us Entertain You to uplift and support theater workers through The Actors Fund.
➡️➡️Follow @braveheartsforbroadway & @theactorsfund so you don’t miss out on a thing! Join me and @billyporter @lornaluft
and many more for an evening of song, #dance, inspirational messages and fun.⬅️⬅️
Original music by @terronbrooks @mattcusson @elisasound (@ElisaNicholas on Facebook) and @andrewdavidsotomayor
➡️➡️Let Us Entertain You featuring @thefrontlinechoir and Friends streaming on September 23, 2020 @playbill ⬅️⬅️
#frontlineworkers #givingback #braveheartsforbroadway #thefrontlinechoir #theactorsfund #letusentertainyou #onlyintermission #waystogive #theaterl